To facilitate and encourage the supervisee to become the therapist that most fully embodies an expression their unique way of working.
To work as a supportive and collaborative companion rather than a judgmental overseer.
To trust my supervisee and their process and potential for growth.
To encourage the supervisee to reflect on their work and their self in relation to their clients.
To work on awareness of the power dynamics in each client/supervisee and supervisee/supervisor relationship and endeavour to acknowledge, identify explicitly and share power where possible.
To share knowledge and experience, where appropriate and facilitative.
To encourage supervisees to recognise, acknowledge and value their own knowledge and experience.
To consider together the appropriateness of clients, and the supervisee’s capacity to work with clients.
To discuss harm, safety and protection and raise any concerns about malpractice or ethical queries directly and congruently with the supervisee in a way that facilitates discussion and collaborative decision making.
To be clear what the supervision relationship is about and share responsibility with supervisees to maintain and manage the boundaries of the relationship.
Endeavour to offer Rogers’ core conditions in my work with supervisees and explore with my supervisees and/or my own supervision when I notice challenges to this offering arising.
My Endeavour as a Supervisor
Updated: Feb 29, 2024